Cub Scout Pack 158
Cub Scout Pack 158 is located in Glen Ellyn, Illinois.
The Pack serves the students of Ben Franklin
and Churchill Elementary Schools.
We hope you find our site easy to use and helpful.
Because this is a Scouting site with some personal information, we like to keep it that way. To keep this information out of unwanted hands, Access to some sections of this website may require you to enter one of our global Access IDs (leader or scout) and that ID's Password. If you do not know the Access ID and Password, please ask your scout leader or use the Contact Us link at the bottom of the page and ask your scout leaders for access. We'll get back with you as soon as we can.
If you are a member of Cub Scout Pack 158:
Please use our Members link above to access current Calendars, Rosters and News.
If you would like to Join or know more about us, please browse around or use the Contact Us link to get in touch with one of our leaders.